How to be Sub [x]

Your solving times aren’t all that’s important. But they are. Here you’ll find tips to reach your cubing goals and what you need to achieve them

Tips to be Sub 60

Here we’ll be tweaking the beginner method so you can finally say “I can solve the Rubik’s cube in under a minute!”.

Tips to be Sub 30

Beginner CFOP skills are sufficient to break the 30-second mark. However in this video I’ll give you some tips to refine the techniques you already now, so that you not only can be a cuber, but a speed cuber!

Tips to be Sub 20

Sub 20 might be most cubers goal. At this level, cubing becomes more fun than ever. In this video we’ll see how to get to that point as fast as possible!

Tips to be Sub 10

Being sub 10 is probably the coolest flex as a cuber. It requires that you master the fundamentals, and that you focus on the correct things. In this video we’ll see what those things are.

Tips to be Sub 5?!

Discover the secrets and advanced techniques the best of the world use to get to elite level cubing.