Cube Notation 📖

Cube notation provides a standardized way to describe each move you can do on the Rubik’s Cube. It is used to scramble the cube, to reconstruct solves or most commonly to read algorithms.

Check the video or the graphics below to get an understanding!

Basic Moves

Each uppercase letter means to turn that side of the cube clockwise, as if you were facing it.

Other Moves

An apostrophe ‘ after the letter (prime) means to turn the face counterclockwise.
”2” after the letter means to turn the face 180° (either direction!).
A lowercase letter means to turn two layers simultaneously.

Cube Rotations

Rotating the entire cube is displayed by the letter around which axis it rotates

Slice Turns

Turning only the middle layer is also called a “Slice Turn” and has the same rules as normal turns.

Cube Notation Practice